About choose life
Bible text Jeremiah 8:22 “is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there ? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?
It is a 24 bed health and wellness center owned and operated by self disciplined self motivated dedicated caring individuals owners and staff. This center has been in operation for the past 20 yrs caring for the needs of patients with different ailments from minor to the critical. Many clients come from various countries for Dr Fowler care and expertise in treating cancer, fibroids and chronic diseases, pain and weight management. The choose life healing and method of detoxification focuses on the flushing the lymphatic system and rejuvenation of the immune system using Dr Fowler’s formulas which has placed her high on the success chart in 90 days program beginning the “lifestyle” change. Her slogan ‘choose life now ask me how’ has resulted in many persons taking up the challenge.

The concept of Choose Life Nutrition Research Center L.T.D was actually born out of the Gilbert Hurricane Incident. The hurricane brought destruction to many and profit to many. It gave the directors the initiative, and drive needed to investigate Jamaica as a profitable place for the investment of natural health care. The lavish lush greenery, the mountains, the rivers and the sea shores meandering into the countryside has an inviting echo. The waves of the seas with its many colors a grayish blue greets you in the early morn and by mid day the beautiful indigo blue and at eventide the greenish blue sea iridescent glow of the sky as the sun sets shows the beauty of this precious land. It is in this country lies ‘a bit of country in the city’ in Kingston, the choose Life center and the Asher Spa.
We are non-medical non-surgical center. The Choose Life Nutrition Herbal Research Centre, is located at 17 Sandringham Ave. Kingston 10 and was established in 1990. Business Opportunity
Our Team

Dr. Vinola R. Fowler
Dr. V.R. Fowler is a Naturopath, Dr. of Philosophy in Natural Health, Iridologist, Lecturer and Author. Her specialty is Iris Analysis with a combination of Herbology and Nutrition Counseling to achieve the optimum quality of healing of the whole person. She has worked in the USA in a number of capacities: as a Nurse in the I.C.U/C.C.U, Neo-Natal ICU at various hospitals including Kings County Hospital, Hempstead General, and as an independent practitioner in Hialeah and American hospital.
Dr. Fowler is the founder of Choose Life Nutrition Herbal Research Center Ltd., a twenty two bed unit fully equipped for various therapies of the healing arts and a highly trained staff to meet the clients various needs. She is also a certified Naturopathic Physician, certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Board. She is a trained practitioner in the healing arts of Iridology, Herbology Nutrition and Lymphology. Her profession is daily witnessed by her many clients who come from various countries for her care and expertise in cancer, fibroids, chronic diseases, pain care and weight management treatment.
Dr. Fowler’s years of experience in Herbology is proven by her formulae of specific herbal products that she manufactures. The effects of these products are hailed by the positive results of improved conditions and healing of her clients. The Choose Life Teaching Manual — Cook Book has been a blessing to many homes with the change to a healthier life style. As a lecturer, she is in demand for her experience and research in many illnesses that plague mankind today. Her friendly, free-spoken method of delivering her lectures places her audience in a relaxed yet attentive mood. She has appeared on many television and radio programs, both locally and internationally discussing health related topics and family relations.

Mr. Fowler
Mr. Fowler is an Interior Decorator who wears many hats. He is also the co-owner/ managing director of the center and acts as a liaison. Mr. Fowler is also the senior herb technician and therapist in balancing of the body structure using the method of Body reflex Normalization therapy.
He is an artist with a difference, creating exceptional art pieces that decorate our clinic and clients rooms.
He worked at various jobs in sales and in management positions. He is a graduate in interior decorating and enjoys recreating and reconstructing antique furniture in New York and Miami before joining his wife in the creation of the Choose Life Center in 1993.

Elizabeth Fowler
Elizabeth Fowler is a Cosmetologist / Skin Care Specialist/manicurist cupping therapist trained by the (ICTA) International Cupping Therapy Association. Her knowledge in making and using natural skin care is one of her greatest achievements in producing excellent results that are seen in her many clients. Ms. Fowler’s skin care program has brought hope to people with various skin conditions. Its lasting effect is a result of her combination of Iridology Analysis, Nutrition and Herbology. Miss Fowler operates the Lady Asher Spa bringing a Wholistic approach to her clientele. Her method of caring for her client’s hair and skin has earned the respect of people far and near. Miss Fowler does an on the job training for her staff. Her Clientele continued care is encouraged by their attendance to her frequent workshops and seminars. Miss Fowler joins her mother Dr. Fowler in the production of the ASHER skin and Hair Care Products and in 2014 launched the Asher Platinum Hair Company at the National Association of Hairdressers and cosmetologist 19th annual Trade Show and Expo November 16th 2014 held at the Courtleih Manor Hotel in Jamaica West Indies. Her Slogan “Carry the Glow” of her authentic human hair extensions and the best quality yaky synthetic hair extensions speaks for itself as the customers wears them with the radiance of satisfaction.
- 2012 (ICTA) International Cupping Therapy Association NCCCAOM
- 1992-1993 Cosmetologist / Esthetician/ Masseuse Robert Morgan Vocational Institute
Workshops attended and certificates received
- 1994 Miami Dade College / Massage Therapy
- 1993 Certificate in Body Reflex Normalization Therapy/ Certificate in Iridology & Basic Nutrition Dr. Lynne Johnston ( Arizona)
- 1994 Advance Certificate in Iridology / Reflex Normalization/ Nutrition
- 1994 Bronner Bros International beauty Show Cutting and styling / Natural hair braiding
Work Experience
- 1999-present Operates the lady Asher Spa & Salon
- 1998 Manicurist/ Esthetician/ Masseuse Merle Norman Merle Miami Florida.
What is Iridology
Iridology, also called iris analysis or iris diagnosis, is the science and practice that studies the iris (the colored part of the eye) which reveals inflammation, where it is located and what stage it is manifesting. This is a method of alternative medicine that is used to analyze a person’s health status by examining the colors, components of the iris, pupil and sclera of the human eye.
Medical doctors and other researchers for many years have noted and suggested that certain dysfunctional states in the body are indicated by different textures and color properties within the iris. Iridology is a useful science application for preventative health because imbalances in the body can be detected early, and adjustments can be initiated using natural therapies often times resulting in symptoms diminished or disappear. It is wholistic in nature

Iridology is holistic in nature – it is the relationships between body mind and soul. When an imbalance is uncovered, and factors contributing to them can be addressed, often times symptoms are or disappear. An iridology reading reflects the causes of problems, not symptoms. It may, iridologists claim, reveal that organs or systems are overstressed or predisposed to disease before clinical symptoms even develop. By predicting future problems, iridology can be used as a preventive tool. People can use the information from iridology readings to improve their health and make better behavioral choices in the future, thereby heading off problems before they occur.
Jewelry Design by Albert Fowler

Jewellery Stones from Alaska
1. Amethyst (Red) – Reddish warmth
2. Amethyst with a purple – Keep the wearer clear headed and quick witted
3. Transvaal Jade (Green)
4. Chalcedony stone of peace and calm (Pink)
Includes 14 carat Gold
Price: $15,500.00 ea