Our goal is to assist you in achieving the highest state of wellness possible by teaching, directing and implementing the simple techniques necessary for attaining and maintaining the enjoyment of your new found wealth in health. After this consultation session is completed, a program is planned for each individual patient’s needs. This will include a meal plan and Chooselife herbal products.
Our Catalog Business (Nature Medics)
This idea of placing our products on the market as a home-based business making it available to the everyone was conceived from the establishment of the parent company Choose Life Nutrition Herbal Research Company L.T.D. and launched in November 25th 2009 in Roseau in the commonwealth of Dominica at the La Flamboyant Hotel where our first distributorship meeting was held with five persons attending. All five registered to become distributors. The next launch of Nature Medics catalog/choose life products was at the Pegasus Hotel in Jamaica at the ASI convention on November 29th 2009.
Our company was also advertized in the ASI (Adventist Business Journal) first print and Dr Fowler her work was featured as the “ light keeper” May be some of you would like to consider that route of distributorship in the future. We have special services for chronic conditions. Should any of your clients mention such a case, they can be referred to our clinic and arrangements can be made to accommodate and analyze their condition and lifestyle change suggested. When supplements are suggested, the benefits of the sale will be for the distributor who did the referral.

In-House Blood Analysis

3 Day Fast

7-21 Days Therapy
Our Programmes and Services are specially designed and include:

Iridology consultation

Blood chemistry

Gall Bladder


Stop Smoking Plan


Physical examination

Lymph Flush
Our Therapies include:


Body Reflex Normalization

Sauna/Heat Therapy

Ion Cleanse

Hydro Therapy

Colon Cleansing

Asher Beauty Products

Rife Therapy

Cell R&H Therapy

Our Clinic include the following:


Blood Pressure

Chronic & acute conditions

Skin Care
