Hi doc, firstly I want to apologize for not keeping in touch with you, I will not make any excuses away from been very busy and I know Degario’s dad correspond with you but I should even give you a call. I hope you will forgive me. We have been working hard on Degario and thank God I can see improvements. I know its still a long way to go but with the help of God we will get there. I also want to give you special thanks for what you have done for him he is feeling and looking much better. I will send photos of him and try to keep in touch with you more often.
Thanks in advance for your understanding.
Aseen “In all my 38 years as a doctor,I have never seen someone with this severe Endometriosis, and to compound that, she is cancer free”.
This was the substance of what the major surgeon Dr. Anthony Messina at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa, Florida said to me in 2006 after my daughter’s five and a half hour total abdominal hysterectomy. I thanked God, and I also thanked Dr. Vinola Fowler of CHOOSE LIFE , in Kingston Jamaica who having found cancer cells in my daughter, assiduously worked on her to restore her health in that area. To protect my sanity, Dr. Fowler, unknowingly to me was giving my daughter and her grandfather some of the same medication for cancer because Papa was suffering from prostate cancer.
When I realised it, Dr. Fowler said: “You under too much; you couldn’t handle that!”
When the medical consultant told Papa that his PSA count was too high and he wondered how he was still walking, Dr. Fowler chipped in and her strategies and care reduced the PSA drastically. Yes, Papa accepted the prescription on all the visits to the medical doctor but we never filled any. However, the medical doctor was always astounded at Papa’s progress.
To date, I go to the medical doctors to confirm my suspicions and allow God and Dr. Fowler to do the rest. I have recommended this blessed Iridologist and woman of God to many, and they have experienced spiritual, emotional and physical healing. Her strong spirit of discernment coupled with her skills and a true heart for helping others makes her a true healer.
Joan A. Davis-WilliamsDear Dr. Fowler,
I am sending you this message as a TESTIMONY to my recent visit to your clinic and the subsequent experience I have gone through the administration of your HERBAL PRODUCTS. I have long been an advocate of the use of HERBS as remedy to achieving good health and I thank GOD that I have discovered what your clinic can offer in that regard! As a testimony to what I have benefited through the application of your Herbal Supplement, I am glad to inform you that I am now conscious of what my body requires and what it doesn’t need and THUS, I have just discovered the NEW ME in MYSELF. I look forward to visiting your clinic ALWAYS….!
Hi Doc,
How have you been, you have been a great influence to my family and my life in particular since the first time we met in 2004. Your service to me and my mom has been great. Especially for my mom who is seriously ill but with your treatment and advice she has been able to live a normal fulfilling life. With your good treatment and advice I have developed the confidence to refer many customers to you who have also had good reviews for your service to them. All the patients that I have known and you have treated have had very good reviews of health benefits they have received. The participant at the seminar put on by the Pharmacology Section of department of Basic Medical sciences at the University of the West Indies was a most interested one which was attended by many members of the academic staff acknowledging your work as it relates to ethnopharmacology and phytomedicines which is a major research area here at the university. Having the privilege to work with you and have you share your vast knowledge of plant derived cures has helped in my capacity of Chief Laboratory Technologist in the department of Pharmacology to impart what I have acquired from the students pursuing studies and projects in this area.
There is no doubt that your work has impacted on the lives of the people who are most time written off or presumed incurable in a gigantic way. Hence impacting on the life expectance of your elder citizens and the nation at large. The name Vinola Fowler has become a household name. Thanks for your help and keep up the good work, you are truly blessed.